


公務員に対し,その職務に関し,賄賂を供与し又はその申込み若しくは約束をした場合,贈賄罪が適用される(刑法第198条)。 刑法上の「公務員」とは,「国又は地方公共団体の職員その他法令により公務に従事する議員,委員その他の職員」と規定されている(刑法第7条1項)。また,刑法以外の法律の中に,贈収賄罪の適用との関係において,一定の者を公務員とみなすとの規定がある(いわゆる「みなし公務員」)。例えば,独立行政法人国立病院機構の職員(独立行政法人国立病院機構法第14条),国立大学法人の職員(国立大学法人法第19条)は,いずれも「みなし公務員」とされている。 また,「職務」とは,公務員の取り扱うべき一切の執務及びそれと密接に関連する執務を指し,それが当該公務員の一般的職務権限の範囲内の行為であるならば,内部における事務配分の詳細は問題とならない。 「賄賂」とは,公務員の職務行為への対価としての不正な利益のことを指す。当該利益には,金銭的利益だけではなく,接待やきょう応等の人の欲望または需要を満足させるに足りる一切のもの(非金銭的利益)が含まれる。


「外国公務員に対し,その外国公務員の職務に関し,国際的な商取引に関して営業上の不正の利益を得るために,金銭その他の利益を供与し,又はその申込み若しくは約束をした場合,外国公務員贈賄罪が適用される」とされている(不正競争防止法第18条)。 不正競争防止法上の「外国公務員」とは,外国の政府または地方公共団体の公務に従事する者やそのエージェント等が含まれる。 また,「職務」とは,基本的に刑法における定義と同一であり,外国公務員の取り扱うべき一切の執務及びそれと密接に関連する執務を指す。 「金銭その他の利益」とは,刑法における「賄賂」の定義とほぼ一致し,金銭や財物等の財産上の利益にとどまらず,およそ人の需要・欲求を満足させるに足りるものを意味する。 なお,外国公務員贈賄については,経済産業省より「外国公務員贈賄防止指針」(2017(平成29)年9月改訂)が発出されている。



国家公務員倫理法及び国家公務員倫理規程(いわゆる公務員倫理規程)は,国家公務員の職務に対する国民の信頼を確保することを目的として2000(平成12)年に制定された。これらは一般職の国家公務員が利害関係者から受けてはならない贈与などについて定めている。 一般職の国家公務員である医療関係者であれば,国家公務員倫理法・同倫理規程の適用を受ける(地方公務員は地方公務員法をはじめ,個別の倫理規程や倫理条例の適用を受ける)。また,国家公務員倫理法第42条において,独立行政法人等は「倫理の保持のために必要な施策を講ずるようにしなければならない」と定められているほか,地方公共団体や地方独立行政法人も同法に準じた施策を講じる努力義務がある(国家公務員倫理法第43条)。そのため,国家公務員に直接該当しない施設であっても,国家公務員倫理法・同倫理規程に準じた倫理ルールが定められているため,所属施設の倫理規程を確認する必要がある。なお,国立病院機構や地域医療機能推進機構(JCHO)では,別途「独立行政法人国立病院機構職員の倫理に関する規程」や,「独立行政法人地域医療機能推進機構役職員倫理規程」が規定されている。


利害関係者とは,国家公務員(職員)が接触する相手方のうち,特に慎重な対応が求められるものであって,当該職員が現に携わっている事務の相手方をいう(国家公務員倫理規程第2条第1項)。なお,過去3年間の官職の利害関係者や,当該職員にその影響力を行使させることにより,自己の利益を図るために接触していることが明らかな他の職員の利害関係者も,当該職員の利害関係者とみなされる(国家公務員倫理規程第2条第2項)。 製薬企業の社員は,一般的には国立病院等の職員にとっての事務の相手方には当たらないが,自社製品の販促活動は,医療機関と契約関係のある医薬品卸売企業の利益につながる代理行為になることから,利害関係者に該当するとされている。 また,直接の契約担当者でなくても,医薬品の購入や選定に影響を与えるとみられる立場の医師,薬剤師,看護師,臨床検査技師,契約担当の事務員等は事務の相手方に該当する。


  1. 利害関係者から金銭,物品又は不動産の贈与(せん別,祝儀,香典又は供花その他これらに類するものとしてされるものを含む。)を受けること。
  2. 利害関係者から金銭の貸付け(業として行われる金銭の貸付けにあっては,無利子のもの又は利子の利率が著しく低いものに限る。)を受けること。
  3. 利害関係者から又は利害関係者の負担により,無償で物品又は不動産の貸付けを受けること。
  4. 利害関係者から又は利害関係者の負担により,無償で役務の提供を受けること。
  5. 利害関係者から未公開株式を譲り受けること。
  6. 利害関係者から供応接待を受けること。
  7. 利害関係者と共に遊技又はゴルフをすること。
  8. 利害関係者と共に旅行(公務のための旅行を除く)をすること。
  9. 利害関係者をして,第三者に対し❶~❽の行為をさせること。
なお,私的な関係がある者であって,かつ利害関係者に該当するものとの間においては,職務上の利害関係の状況,私的な関係の経緯及び現在の状況並びにその行おうとする行為の態様等にかんがみ,公正な職務の執行に対する国民の疑惑や不信を招くおそれがないと認められる場合には,❶~❽の禁止行為を行うことができる(国家公務員倫理規程第4条第1項)。 また,次の行為は禁止行為の例外として許容される(国家公務員倫理規程第3条第2項)。
  1. 利害関係者から宣伝用物品又は記念品であって広く一般に配布するためのものの贈与を受けること。
  2. 多数の者が出席する立食パーティー(飲食物が提供される会合であって立食形式で行われるものをいう。以下同じ)において,利害関係者から記念品の贈与を受けること。
  3. 職務として利害関係者を訪問した際に,当該利害関係者から提供される物品を使用すること。
  4. 職務として利害関係者を訪問した際に,当該利害関係者から提供される自動車(当該利害関係者がその業務等において日常的に利用しているものに限る)を利用すること(当該利害関係者の事務所等の周囲の交通事情その他の事情から当該自動車の利用が相当と認められる場合に限る)。
  5. 職務として出席した会議その他の会合において,利害関係者から茶菓の提供を受けること。
  6. 多数の者が出席する立食パーティーにおいて,利害関係者から飲食物の提供を受けること。
  7. 職務として出席した会議において,利害関係者から簡素な飲食物の提供を受けること。


  1. 多数の者が出席する立食パーティーにおいて,利害関係者と共に飲食をするとき。
  2. 私的な関係がある利害関係者と共に飲食をする場合であって,自己の飲食に要する費用について自己又は自己と私的な関係がある者であって利害関係者に該当しないものが負担するとき。






贈収賄罪は刑法事案であり,警察・検察による捜査・起訴が行われる。罰則としては,単純収賄罪については「5年以下の懲役」とされ(刑法第197条),贈賄罪については「3年以下の懲役又は250万円以下の罰金」とされている(刑法第198条)。 また,不正競争防止法違反も刑事事案であり,警察・検察による捜査・起訴が行われる。罰則としては,個人に対しては「5年以下の懲役若しくは500万円以下の罰金(又はこれの併科)」とされ,法人に対しては「3億円以下の罰金」とされている(不正競争防止法第21条第2項第7号)。


Regulation by Law

1) Penal Code

A person who gives, offers, or promises to give a bribe to a public official in connection with the public official’s duties shall be punished by the crime of giving bribery (Article 198 of the Penal Code). The term "public official" as used in the Penal Code is defined as "a national or local government official, a member of an assembly or committee, or other employees engaged in the performance of public duties in accordance with laws and regulations" (Article 7, para.1). In addition, in relation to the application of the crime of bribery, there is a provision in laws other than the Penal Code that certain persons shall be regarded as public officials (so-called "deemed public officials"). For example, the employees of the National Hospital Organizations (Article 14 of the Act on the National Hospital Organization) and the employees of the National University Corporation (Article 19 of the National University Corporation Act) are regarded as "deemed civil officials". "Duties" under the Penal Code mean any and all duties to be dealt with by a public official and any duties closely related thereto, and if his or her actions are made within his or her scope of the general authority as the public official, those actions are regarded within the “duties” regardless of the internal allocation of the duties within the organization. A "bribe" refers to an unfair benefit as a consideration for the conduct of public officials in the course of their duties. Such benefits include not only monetary benefits but also non-monetary benefits that may satisfy the desires or needs of the public official including but not limited to receptions or entertainments.

2) Unfair Competition Prevention Act

A person who provides, offers, or promises to provide any money or any other gain to a foreign public official in relation to the public official's duties to illicit unfair gain in international commercial transactions shall be punished by the crime of giving bribery to foreign public officials (Article 18 of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act). "Foreign public official" under the Act includes a person who engaged in public service of foreign national or local governments and their agents. The term "duties" basically coincides with the definition in the Penal Code and refers to all duties to be dealt by foreign public officials and duties closely related thereto. "Money or any other gain" is almost the same as the definition of "bribe" in the Penal Code and means not only the monetary interest but also non-monetary interests sufficient to satisfy the desires and needs of the public official.   As to bribery to foreign public officials, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (“METI”) has issued the "Guidelines for the Prevention of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials" (last revised September 2017). 

Regulations under Ethics COde

1) Ethics Code for Public Officials

The National Public Service Ethics Act and the National Public Service Ethics Code (“Ethics Code for Public Officials”) were enacted in 2000 for the purpose of ensuring public trust in the duties of national public officials. The Codes are rules for national public officials on such as a prohibition of receiving gifts from interested parties. HCPs who are national public officials are subject to the national-level Ethics Code for Public Officials, while local public officials are subject to the local ethic rules such as the Local Public Service Act or individual ethics rules). In addition, Article 42-43 of the National Public Service Ethics Act obligates incorporated administrative agencies and local governments to take measures necessary to maintain ethics equivalent to the measures taken by the national government. Accordingly, even if an HCP is not a national public official, as ethics rules are established in accordance with the Ethics Codes for Public Officials, pharmaceutical companies need to confirm the ethical rules of the facility to which the HCP belongs. The National Hospital Organization and the Japan Community Health Care Organization (“JCHO”) have the separate ethics rules such as the Ethics Code of National Hospital Organization Personnel and the Ethics Code on of Officers and Employees of the Japan Community Health Care Organization.

2) Interested parties

Interested parties mean the parties those who are contacted by national public officials and are required to be dealt with carefully, and the officials are actually engaged in the affairs of such parties (Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Ethics Code). Interested parties of government positions in the past 3 years and other personnel’s interested parties who are clearly in contact for their own interests by exercising their influence over the personnel are also considered “interested parties” (Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Ethics Code). Employees of pharmaceutical companies are generally not interested parties as they are not the counter party of the affairs of staff of national hospitals, but they will fall within interested parties when they conduct sales promotion activities of the company's products because those activities are made on behalf of pharmaceutical wholesalers who has contracts with the hospitals and the activities lead to their profits. Physicians, pharmacists, nurses, clinical laboratory technicians, and contract clerks who are not directly responsible for contracts but who are able to influence the purchase or selection of drugs fall under the category of the counter party.

3) Prohibited acts and its exceptions

The following acts are prohibited for national public officials (Article 3 of the Ethics Code).
(i) Receiving gifts of money, article, or real properties (including farewell gifts, congratulatory gifts, condolence money, offering of flowers and any other items equivalent thereto) from interested parties; (ii) Receiving money loans (in cases of banking business, limited to those without interest or with significantly low interest) from interested parties; (iii) Leasing goods or real properties from or at the expense of interested parties without providing compensation; (iv) Receiving the provision of services from or at the expense of interested parties without providing compensation; (v) Receiving unlisted shares from interested parties; (vi) Receiving an entertainment or a treat from interested parties; (vii) Playing games or golf with interested parties; (viii) Taking a trip (excluding business trip for the purpose of public service) with interested parties; and (ix) Having interested parties conduct acts listed in the preceding items to third parties.
Notwithstanding the above, officials may conduct the prohibited acts of (i) and (viii) with those whom officials have a private relationship with and who fall under interested parties, only when these acts are considered not to bring about any suspicion or distrust from the citizens with regards to the fairness of execution of duty in light of the situation of interests in the course of their duties, the circumstance and the current situation of the private relationship and the manner of acts that officials intend to conduct (Article 3, paragraph (2) of the Ethics Code). Also, the following acts are allowed as exceptions of the prohibited acts.
(i) Receiving gifts of advertising materials or souvenirs to be widely and generally distributed from interested parties; (ii) Receiving gifts of souvenirs from interested parties at a buffet-style party that many persons attend (meaning a gathering serving food and drink in a stand-up style; the same applies hereinafter); (iii) When visiting an interested party as duties of that official, using goods provided by the interested party; (iv) When visiting an interested party as duties of that official, using a car (limited to that the interested party uses daily in its business, etc.) provided by the interested party (limited to those cases where using the car is considered appropriate in light of circumstances of transportation around the office, etc. of the interested party and other reasons); (v) Receiving refreshments from an interested party at a meeting or at any other gathering that an official attends as duties of that official; (vi) Receiving food and drink served from an interested party at a buffet-style party that many persons attend; and (vii) Receiving simple food and drink served from an interested party at a meeting that an official attends as duties of that official.

4) Notification of eating and drinking with interested parties

When an official eats and drinks with interested parties without the expenses required for the official's own eating and drinking being born by the interested parties, and the expenses required for the official's own eating and drinking exceeds ¥10,000, the official must notify the official's ethics supervisory officer of matters specified by the officer in advance, except for the following cases; provided, however, that if the official was unable to notify in advance due to unavoidable reasons, the official must notify the matters subsequently and promptly(Article 8 of the Ethics Code).
(i) When eating and drinking with interested parties at a buffet-style party that many persons attend; or (ii) When eating and drinking with interested parties with whom the official has a private relationship with the expenses required for the official's own eating and drinking being born by the parties or with a person with whom the official has a private relationship and who is not an interested party.

5) Prohibition of receiving remuneration for supervising of specific books

Officials must not receive a remuneration for supervising or compiling books for books prepared at the cost of subsidies or expense the national government or books more than half of those prepared are purchased by the national organ or the agency (Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Ethics Code).

6) Restriction when conducting lectures

  When an official intends, in response to requests with a remuneration from an interested party, to give lectures, etc., the official must obtain approval of ethics supervisory officer of that official in advance (Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Ethics Code).

Sanctions agaist vaiolation

Bribery is a crime that is investigated and prosecuted by the police and public prosecutors. Penal provisions include imprisonment with work for not more than 5 years for general bribery (Article 197 of the Penal Code), and imprisonment with work for not more than 3 years or a fine of not more than ¥2.5 million for giving bribery (Article 198 of the Penal Code).   In addition, violations of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act are also crimes and are investigated and prosecuted by the police and public prosecutors. Penalties are defined as imprisonment with work for not more than 5 years or a fine of not more than ¥5 million (or both) for individuals and a fine of not more than ¥300 million for corporations (Article 21, Paragraph (2), Item (vii) of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act).