

規制条文 内容
第 66 条 虚偽・誇大広告の禁止
  • 医薬品等の名称,製造方法,効能,効果,性能に関する虚偽・誇大な記事の広告・記述・流布の禁止。
  • 医薬品等の効能,効果,性能について,医師等が保証したと誤解を与えるおそれのある記事の広告・記述・流布の禁止。
  • 堕胎暗示,わいせつ文書・図画の使用禁止。
第 67 条 特定疾病用医薬品等の広告の制限
  • 政令で定めるがんその他の特殊疾病に使用されることが目的とされている医薬品等について,医薬関係者以外の一般人を対象とする広告の制限。
第 68 条 承認前の医薬品等の広告の禁止
  • 承認(又は認証)前の医薬品等について,その名称,製造方法,効能,効果,性能に関する広告の禁止。


  1. 顧客を誘引する(顧客の購入意欲を昂進させる)意図が明確であること
  2. 特定医薬品等の商品名が明らかにされていること
  3. 一般人が認知できる状態であること
「薬事法における医薬品等の広告の該当性について(平成10年9月29日医薬監第148号都道府県衛生主管部(局)長あて厚生省医薬安全局監視指導課長通知)」 上記要件は,一般にそれぞれ,①誘引性,②特定性,③認知性と呼ばれている。 「広告」の定義について判示したディオバン事案の高裁判決(2018(平成30)年11月19日東京高等裁判所判決(控訴棄却。なお,現在上告中。))によると,それぞれの要件は以下のように解釈されている。
  1. 誘因性
    (a)[客観的誘引手段性]当該告知行為が,その内容や体裁等からみて顧客誘引の手段としての性質を有していること,及び (b)[主観的誘引手段性]行為者において,当該告知行為自体を,顧客誘引の手段とする意思があること
  2. 特定性
  3. 認知性


対象となる広告 新聞,雑誌,テレビ,ラジオ,ウェブサイトおよびソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス等の全媒体における広告。
  • 使用者が医薬品等を適正に使用することができるよう正確な情報の伝達に努めること。
  • 医薬品等の品位を損なうまたは信用を傷つけるおそれのある広告の禁止。
製造方法関係 実際の製造方法と異なる表現またはその優秀性について事実に反する認識を与えるおそれのある表現の禁止。
  • 承認等を受けた効能効果等の範囲をこえる表現の禁止。
  • 成分・分量等について虚偽・不正確な表現等を用いて効能・効果等または安全性について事実に反するおそれのある広告の禁止。
  • 用法用量について承認範囲をこえた表現や不正確な表現等を用いて効能効果等または安全性について事実に反するおそれのある広告の禁止。
  • 効能効果等または安全性を保証する表現の禁止。
  • 効能効果等または安全性について最大級の表現等の禁止。
  • 速効性,持続性等について,医学,薬学上認められている範囲をこえた表現の禁止。
  • 本来の効能効果等と認められない表現の禁止。等
  • 過量消費または乱用助長を促すおそれのある広告の禁止。
  • 医療用医薬品の一般人を対象とする広告の禁止。
  • 他社製品の誹謗広告の禁止。
  • 医薬関係者等の推せん等の表現の禁止。





厚生労働大臣は,医薬品の製造販売業者に薬機法やこれに基づく命令の規定に違反する行為があった場合で,保健衛生上の危害の発生または拡大を防止するために必要があるときは,その製造販売業者に対して,その業務の運営の改善に必要な措置を採るべきことを命ずることができる(業務改善命令。第72条の4第1項)。 また,厚生労働大臣は,虚偽・誇大広告を行った者に対して,その行為の中止その他公衆衛生上の危険の発生を防止するに足りる措置を命ずることができる(中止命令。第72条の5)。


武田薬品工業の高血圧症治療薬「ブロプレス」の販売促進用資材等が,医薬品医療機器等法第66 条第1 項の誇大広告に当たるとして,厚生労働省は2015(平成27) 年6 月に医薬品医療機器法第72条の4第1項に基づき業務改善命令を行った。なお,本件は,誇大広告により厚労省が同法第66条違反で行政処分を行った初めての事例となった。 ブロプレスの販売促進用資材のうち,「切り札は多い方がいい。」というキャッチコピーとともに,「CKD」「糖尿病」「夜間高血圧」「高齢者」「OVER 140/90」と書かれた5 枚のカードが掲載されたものがあった。これは,ブロプレスが医薬品の効能効果として承認を得ていた「高血圧症」以外の効能効果を暗示させるものであるとして,誇大広告にあたると判断された。また,ブロプレスと他社の高血圧薬との効果を比較した臨床試験(CASE-J 試験)の結果を掲載した広告資材では,ブロプレスと他社の高血圧薬との効果に有意差はないという結果であったにもかかわらず,あたかも有意差があるような印象を与える矢印を加えたり,グラフの交差を「ゴールデンクロス」と表現したりする等,ブロプレスの優位性が強調されており,誇大広告にあたると判断された。



医薬品に関する虚偽・誇大広告や,未承認の医薬品等の広告・販売等の薬機法違反事例が散見され,違反事例は減少していない状況にある。これらの薬機法違反は,経済的利得を主たる目的として行われていると考えられるものがあり,特に虚偽・誇大広告の事例に対して,当該違法行為によって得られた経済的利得を徴収するべきとの指摘もなされている。 欧米においては,違法行為によって得られた経済的利得を徴収することができる罰則,行政処分が存在しており,当該規定が薬事関連法規の違反に対しても適用されているが,我が国の薬機法においては,法人に対する場合は両罰規定により1億円を最高額とする罰金のみであり,違法行為によって得られる高額な経済的利得に対して,抑止効果が働いていないと指摘されている。 これらの背景をもとに,2019年3月19日に閣議決定された薬機法の改正案の一部として,課徴金制度の導入が盛り込まれた。


  1. 独占禁止法(1977(昭和52)年導入)
  2. 金融商品取引法(2005(平成17)年導入)
  3. 公認会計士法(2008(平成20)年導入)
  4. 景品表示法(2016(平成28)年導入)


課徴金制度の施行期日は,改正薬機法の公布の日から起算して2年を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日である。医薬品等に関する虚偽・誇大広告(「課徴金対象行為」)があるときは,厚生労働大臣は,当該課徴金対象行為者に対し,当該課徴金対象行為に係る医薬品等の対価合計額の4.5%を国庫に納付することを命じなければならない(ただし,業務の改善が命じられた,業務の停止が命じられた等の場合には課徴金を納付することを命じないことができる)。 課徴金算定の対象期間は,最大3年である。また,景表法による課徴金納付命令があるときは, 課徴金額から,対価合計額に3%を乗じて得た額を減額する。 課徴金納付命令があることを予知して行った場合を除き,課徴金対象行為者が課徴金対象行為に該当する事実を厚生労働大臣に報告したときは,課徴金の額から,当該課徴金の額に50%を乗じて得た額を減額する。



The relevant provisions of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act pertaining to advertisement of pharmaceuticals are as follows:
Relevant Provisions Description
Article 66 Prohibition of false and exaggerated advertisement
  • Prohibition of advertisement, descriptions, and dissemination of false and exaggerated articles on the names, manufacturing methods, indications, effects, and performance of pharmaceuticals, etc.
  • Prohibition of advertisement, descriptions, and dissemination of articles that may cause misunderstanding that physicians, etc. guarantee the efficacy, efficacy, and performance of pharmaceuticals, etc.
  • Prohibition of use of implication of abortion and use of obscene documents and drawings.
Article 67 Restriction on advertisement of designated pharmaceuticals, etc.
  • Restriction of advertisement of pharmaceuticals, etc. to the general public other than healthcare professionals used for the treatment of cancer and other special diseases specified by Cabinet Order
Article 68 Prohibition of advertisement of pharmaceuticals prior to approval
  • Prohibition of advertisements on the names, manufacturing methods, indications, effects, and performance of pharmaceuticals prior to approval or certification.

Definition of Advertisement

Advertisement for pharmaceuticals in the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act is defined as follows by the notice issued by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (“MHLW”).
  1. clearly intended to induce consumers to purchase products (or intended to enhance motivation of customers to purchase products);
  2. present the commercial name and class clearly such as specified pharmaceuticals; and
  3. is accessible to general public.
"Applicability of Advertisement of Pharmaceuticals, etc. in the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act (Notice No. 148 of the Inspection and Guidance Division, Pharmaceutical and Medical Safety Bureau, MHLW, dated September 29, 1998)" Generally, the requirement (1) (2) (3) are referred as “induction”, “speficificity”, and “accessibility”. According to the ruling of Diovan case (Tokyo High Court decision on November 19, 2018, which declared the definition of "advertisement"), the respective requirements are interpreted as follows.
  1. Induction
    (a) [Objective Induction] The fact that the notification act has the nature of a means of indusing customers to purchase in view of the contents and format thereof; and (b) [Subjective Induction] The intention of the actor to utilize the notification itself as a means of indusing customers to purchase.
  2. Specificity
    The specific pharmaceuticals etc., are specified in the notification. In determining whether this specification has been made, consideration should be given to whether or not the product name, common name, abbreviation, etc. is displayed, as well as the media used for notification and the attributes of the notifyee.
  3. Accesibility
    To be notified (or planned to be notified) to an unspecified or large number of persons

Standards for proper advertisement of Pharmaceuticals

As mentioned above, there are only three provisions that directly regulate advertisement of pharmaceuticals under the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act. In light of the essence of pharmaceuticals etc., Standards for Proper Advertisement of Pharmaceuticals, etc. (the “Standards for Proper Advertisement”) provide the explanation of Article 66, Paragraph 1 of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act, as well as the items to be observed with respect to pharmaceuticals, etc. so as not customers to misuse, promote abuse, or not to reduce the credibility of pharmaceuticals etc.
Applicable Advertisement Advertisement in all media, including newspapers, magazines, televisions, radios, websites, and social networking services
Responsibility of the Advertiser
  • To endeavor to communicate accurate information so that users can use pharmaceuticals properly
  • Prohibition of advertisements that may impair the dignity of pharmaceuticals or jeopardize the credibility of pharmaceuticals
Manufacturing Method Prohibition of expressions that differ from actual manufacturing methods or that may give contradictory recognition to the facts about their superiority.
Efficacy, Performance, and Safety
  • Prohibition of expressions exceeding the range of approved indications, etc.
  • Prohibition of advertisements using false or inaccurate expressions of ingredients and quantities that may contradict the facts about their indications or safety
  • Prohibition of advertisements using wordings that goes beyond the approved range or inaccurate wordings that may contradict the facts about efficacy or safety
  • Prohibition of expressions guaranteeing efficacy or safety
  • Prohibition of maximum expressions regarding efficacy or safety
  • Prohibition of expression of quick-acting, long-acting, etc. that exceeds medically-or-pharmaceutically-recognized range
  • Prohibition of expressions not deemed to be original indications, etc.
  • Prohibition of advertisement that may encourage overconsumption or abuse
  • Prohibition of advertisement of ethical pharmaceuticals to the general public
  • Prohibition of advertisement to defame other companies' products
  • Prohibition of expressions recommendations by healthcare professionals, etc.


(1) Criminal measures

If an unapproved pharmaceutical is manufactured and marketed, it shall be imprisoned with work for not more than 3 years, a fine of not more than 3 million yen, or both (Article 84). For a false and exaggerated advertisement, it shall be imprisoned with work for not more than 2 years, a fine of not more than 2 million yen, or both (Article 85).

(2) Administrative measures

The Minister of MHLW may order the marketing authorization holder of pharmaceuticals to take the measures necessary to improve its operations if the marketing authorization holder of pharmaceuticals has violated the provisions of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Act or orders based thereon when necessary to prevent the occurrence or spread of health and hygiene hazards (orders for improvement of operations, Article 72-4, Paragraph 1). The Minister of MHLW may order a person who has given a false or exaggerated advertisement to discontinue the act or to take other measures sufficient to prevent the occurrence of public health hazards (discontinuation order: Article 72-5).


MHLW judged that Takeda Pharmaceutical Company's promotional materials for Blopress, a treatment for hypertension, constituted an exaggerated advertisement under Article 66, Paragraph 1 of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act, and in June 2015 MHLW issued the order for improvement of operations in accordance with Article 72-4, Paragraph 1 of the Act. This was the first case in which MHLW issued an administrative disposition in violation of Article 66 of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act due to the exaggerated advertisement. Among the promotional materials for Blopress, in addition to the catch copy "it is preferable to have more cards", there were five cards labeled "CKD," "diabetes," "nocturnal hypertension," "elderly” and “OVER 140/90." These were judged as an exaggerated advertisement of Blopress because it implies an indication other than "hypertension," which was the approved indication of Blopress. In addition, Takeda’s advertisement material was judged to be an exaggerated advertisement since the material emphasized the superiority of Blopress by adding arrows that gave an impression of significant difference and expressing the crossing-over as "golden cross while the results of clinical trials (CASE-J trial) comparing the effects of Blopress with other companies' antihypertensive pharmaceuticals showed no significant difference each other.


1) Background of introduction of surcharge system

There have been cases of violations of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Act, including false and exaggerated advertisement of pharmaceuticals and advertisement and sales of unapproved pharmaceuticals, and the number of cases in violation has not decreased. Some of these violations of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act seem to be carried out for gaining economic profit as the primary purpose of the violation and it is pointed out that economic profit obtained from illegal activities should be collected by the government especially for the cases of false and exaggerated advertisement. In Europe and the United States there are provisions of penalties and administrative depositions that enable the collection of the economic benefits of illegal activities and these provisions are also applied to violations of pharmaceutical-related regulations. In Japan, however, only a fine of ¥100 million is imposed on corporations based on the double punishment provision, and it is pointed out that deterrent has not worked to the high economic gains obtained by illegal activities. Considering such circumstances, the Cabinet adopted the bill to introduce the surcharge system as a part of the revision of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Act and submitted the bill to the Diet on March 19, 2019.

2) Surcharge system under other regulations

Currently, there are only four surcharge systems under other laws.
  1. Antimonopoly Act (introduced in 1971)
  2. Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (introduced in 2005)
  3. Public Accountants Act (introduced in 2008)
  4. Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations (introduced in 2016)
Historically, surcharge systems have targeted economic crimes which directly aim at unjust monetary gains, which are regulated under the Antimonopoly Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. However, the scope of the surcharge systems is said to have expanded since the regulations of advertisement under the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations encompass a surcharge system.

3) Outline of surcharge system

The effective date of the surcharge system will be the day specified by Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding two years from the date of promulgation of the revised Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Act. In the event of a false or exaggerated advertisement on pharmaceuticals, etc., the Minister of MHLW shall order the person subject to the surcharge to pay 4.5% of the total amount of sales of pharmaceuticals, etc. related to the surcharged act to the national treasury (provided, however, the Minister of MHLW may choose not to order surcharges when order for improvement of operations order for suspension of operations have been made, etc.). The maximum period for surcharge calculation is three years. In addition, when there is an order to pay surcharges under the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, 3% of total amount of compensation shall be reduced from surcharged amount. Except in cases surcharge orders are anticipated, when the surcharged person reports to the MHLW of the acts that falls under the surcharge, 50% of surcharge shall be reduced from the surcharged amount.